Mallory Stewart
I tested my cognitive learning style by taking a test similar to the Myers Briggs that was called Personality Pathways. From taking this test I learned that I possess introverted, sensing, feeling, and judging characteristics. All of these characteristics match me perfectly. My introverted characteristics are that I always think before I act and always have to have some time to myself. I am in the present and I have great memory recall. The test said that I have really strong feeling and react to conflict with complete discomfort. It described me perfect when it showed that I always plan ahead and am most comfortable when I am ahead of a deadline.
Second, I tested my learning style. Based on my input on the test, I am a visual leaner. I am constantly visualizing or picturing words/concepts in your head and writing them out to help review for tests. I use flashcards as a study method. By seeing the actual definitions, I am able to take in more information than by sitting in on a lecture. I am very good with directions and I’m probably the only one out of all of my friends that can read a map. I was not surprised by the test that I am a visual leaner.
Overall, my results from the cognitive and learning styles inventory tests were very accurate. As I learner I believe these results will benefit me because I know how I learn and what ways are best for me. For example, I will learn more from reading a chapter out of my textbook than listening to a lecture. This does not mean that I should not listen to the lectures; just that reading the material will benefit my learning style the best. From a teaching standpoint these results will help me in my classroom because I will be able to teach my children visually. I will be comfortable using visuals aids in my classroom such as, maps, posters, videos, etc. Because I am comfortable with this method I will be to accurately communicate lessons to my students.